About Natalie
This is a story of rebirth.
On paper, my life looked great: Director/Producer for Atlantic Canada’s #1 morning TV show, sons finishing high school and finding their way in life, two-decade plus marriage, progressive faith community. I could handle the 5:30 AM starts – they gave me time later in the day to walk with my dad and the dog, put my feet up, read or nap, and prep homemade dinners. When my folks moved in, I was available to take them to appointments. I was available for my kids after school. I was available for committee meetings. I was available for my husband when he got sick.
I was burnt out. I was clinically depressed. I felt trapped with responsibilities.
All the things that enabled me to excel in my work and my family life were the result of a long history of people-pleasing, fear of making a mistake, and being super organized.
I was paralyzed to make change, even when it was offered.
I didn’t trust myself. I had lost “me”.
Then I was “pushed”. Severance packages came around. Fear took me ten days to sign. I had no idea what was next. But the status quo was killing me.
I finally let go of the balloon so I could explore the playground.
For the first time in three decades, I had uncommitted time. I began to create: art projects for kids, retreats for my faith community, gifts for friends and family, creativity workshops. I even delivered a sermon on the power of creativity!
Then I discovered Shiloh Sophia McCloud and her legacy Intentional Creativity®. Just by moving a pen or a paintbrush, I started to heal. That voice that spent my whole life telling me “I shouldn’t”, “I can’t”, or “Who-do-you-think-you-are?” got quieter and a very, very old voice could be heard again: ”I wonder…”, “Let’s play,” and “Let me try.” I learned to access that wisdom deep inside me. I was happier and more engaged. People around me noticed. I certified as an Intentional Creativity® coach and learned how to bring that magic to others, on my terms.
I’m still a work in progress, but now I have an incredible tool, a tool that helps me – and you – discover and explore the “me” we were intended to be. A simple tool you already know how to use!