I am humbled and amazed to tell you this is the first acrylic painting, and face, I have ever done. Seriously! (I had a good teacher.) Universal Soul chose to present herself to me while exploring Tea with the Midnight Muse with the founder of Intentional Creativity® Shiloh Sophia McCloud.
With this process, I began to discover how to let go of expectations and discover the beauty in imperfection. And believe me, this work has lots of imperfection. I dove into dark spaces, explored symbols, wrote poetry, found my voice, listened for wisdom, danced, and drank lots of tea. My spiral morphed into a nautilus – an old, old creature beseeching the cosmos for help to keep it alive. On her other shoulder, a dove with a message that we have everything we need to save it. Universal Soul becomes the conduit. Her message to me - creativity must be infused into science and religion to work together for a better understanding of living in harmony with the cosmos. My work – to help people rediscover their God-given creativity.
Co-Creators of a New World is the painting that informed me about my life’s work during a 6 month Intentional Creativity® women’s entrepreneurship course called Radiance.
My sacred work - to guide women using creativity to reveal their inner wisdom, as they discover why they think the way they do and re-write their stories.
In the finished painting you see my beloveds witnessing the birth of a new world, a world that has been turned on its head. It rises out of a lotus blossom of the old earth that has been preparing in the muck. It sure feels like we’ve been in the muck with a pandemic, poverty, oppression, racism, and violence. My beloveds and I are being fueled by the grounded energy of Mother Earth who has everything we need, and by the power and energy of the unknown Divine cosmos.
One of the outcomes of Radiance is my Value Statement. You can read it here. Values and Things That Matter — Natalie Moyes Co-Creators
This is my Mystic Legend. She came into being over the winter of 20/21 as a bonus part of our Intentional Creativity® virtual convention. Legend is a 13 step painting exploration under the direction of Shiloh Sophia McCloud, which examines the heart of each individual woman. Shiloh takes us on an adventure to a mystical mountain where women gather, dance, sing, drum, pray, run wild, and meet our Muse.
My Muse is my creative, fun, flirty, wise, wild, sensual side - you know, that part we have been taught to bury as girls so we’re not too loud, too obvious, too empowered, too much. Seems I have been taught well. She was playing hide and seek with me, as I’m learning muses are wont to do. She kept herself hidden under that red cloak. Soooo frustrating. But as I kept searching for her, I kept finding out more about me. Like the moment I was afraid to go through a small opening in a cave and a stag showed up to keep me from going back, and showed me the opening wasn’t as small and scary as I thought it was. (You can see its hoofprints lower right and my cave lower left).
There are layers and layers here, filled with symbols - some buried, some you can see on the final layer. There is so much more to uncover about her, and consequently, me. And she still hasn’t told me her name. Maybe I haven’t been listening. Time to paint again.
You can find out more about my Mystic Legend in these blogs.
Little Red Riding Hood (and other ominous tales) — Natalie Moyes Co-Creators
The Ancients Told Us — Natalie Moyes Co-Creators
Hide and Seek — Natalie Moyes Co-Creators
She came into being this spring as part of an Intentional Creativity® series called Heart of Gold, under the direction of Shiloh Sophia McCloud, which examined women and their under representation in our biblical texts. She began her life as Our Lady of Living Water, and included sacred water from my family farm in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, which was blessed with intention by my artistic sisters. I chose her race on purpose to counter the many Euro-centred images we have of the Sacred Feminine.
Then I was stopped cold when George Floyd was murdered.
She (the Muse) wanted me to do some work on my privilege. I sure did.
Her name is She Who Dances in the Rain. One drop of rain is hardly noticed. A shower waters a parched earth and gives life. But a deluge changes the landscape. One drop = one heart = one ally.
There are also more than 1500 prayer dots, each marked while listening to names of black people who died at the hands of police.
So much grief. So much strength.
Find out what she had to say to me in She Who Dances in the Rain blog post.
This work of art is an exploration of powerful inner wisdom under the artistic and spiritual guidance of Shiloh Sophia McCloud, founder of the Intentional Creativity® Foundation.
The Ancient Future Feminine exercise took me on a journey connecting ancient lineages of the past and my future self. Finding that middle ground helped connect to the sacred within.
Imagine ancient women, sitting around the fire by moonlight, telling stories, making music. Wisdom being passed from generation to generation. Passion for and cooperation with Mother Earth. The drums beat – the ancient heartbeat. Stepping into the circle, sitting there and just being quiet, listening, feeling, opening my soul for the wisdom coming through.
One of the women in Shiloh’s lineage, Sue Hoya Sellers, talks about our bodies as our current cosmic address. We are all just cooling sacks of stardust, our DNA connected through the universe. Wisdom is ingrained in our DNA. We just need to open a few doors to find it.
Legacy honours all women: my mother who celebrated the ordinary, my ancestor, who made what must have been a difficult journey to the New World, women who birthed the next generation with the help of midwifery wisdom and without the help of today’s medicine, women who celebrated first rites of moon times with their daughters, women warriors who protected their clans, women who painted in ancient caves. It honours women to come: the peacemakers, the storytellers, the leaders, the keepers of the sacred feminine.
This work is an exploration of powerful inner wisdom under the artistic and spiritual guidance of Shiloh Sophia McCloud, founder of the Intentional Creativity® Foundation.
The Voyager painting journey took place over six months in conjunction with the coaching certification Motherboard. It was a transformational painting for me. I have been working for awhile on the notion that instead of needing to earn love, I AM love. Love is endlessly reciprocal. Love is relationship. This process, which Shiloh called Voyager, began with examining frameworks, especially those that needed reframing, reclaiming parts of me that had been missing, and examining all facets like a jewel. Naming my gifts was powerful, as was exploring all the impacts I make with those gifts. When you know this, you can bloom where you are planted, pulling wisdom from the earth, and sharing it with others. I had become Unfurled.
If you look closely, in addition to the unfurling of fiddleheads (which are delicious in the spring in my neck of the woods) and blooming of flowers, you’ll find four symbolic stages of the life of a butterfly: the eggs, larvae, cocoon, and butterfly. I spent a lot of time cocooned in the goo of transformation. Now I am finding my wings as a certified Intentional Creativity® Coach.
This work of art is an exploration of powerful inner wisdom under the artistic and spiritual guidance of Shiloh Sophia, founder of the Intentional Creativity® Foundation.
The Insight Experience led me on a quest to balance innate, creative wisdom with external sources.
Our lives are largely influenced by the cultural, religious, academic, economic, and societal norms around us. Much of those are black and white; constructs designed by a few to manage the many. They are created from a position of security, instead of from a position of love. Those norms are jeopardizing the mental and physical health of living beings and the fate of the planet as well.
Wisdom from a position of love honours all beings: those that walk with two legs, those that walk with many legs, creatures that soar in the air, and creatures that swim in the water. It honours green growing things, light and darkness of the cosmos, and the living earth.
The Red Thread tries to weave that together with the guidance of Intentional Creativity® and creatives from all walks of life. She Who Weaves Wisdom is an attempt at visualizing this tricky balancing act.
This work of art is an exploration of powerful inner wisdom under the artistic and spiritual guidance of Shiloh Sophia McCloud and Jonathan McCloud, founders of the Intentional Creativity® Foundation.
The apothecary is used as a metaphor, a place of personal medicine. We were invited to make our own healing medicine by transforming the energy, language, and image of things weighing us down into a powerful, personal antidote.
In Apothecary of Illumination, the cloche holds unconditional love, being offered up freely. The lamp sheds light so I can see all the medicines, tools, and ingredients already in my apothecary. Look closely and you will see many items ranging from a beautiful quill with which to write my own prescription to vials of virtues. The scale balances my physical well-being with the passage of time. Intentional Creativity® paintings often include a symbol for the Red Thread, a community of creatives working to change the world.
This was so much more than an art exercise. Poetry, meditation, drumming, and dancing joined the paintbrush in informing this piece. The beautiful process of painting was not complete until a crack developed in the cloche. My heart busted open. This will allow additional prayer dots of love when the need arises.