Co-Creators’ Connection December

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My fondest wishes for a soul reviving Christmas despite limitations to keep Covid at bay. If you honour another tradition, blessings upon you and yours.


January classes

(these would make beautiful gifts for important women in your life)

Co-Creators New Year Check-In Book

Are you ready to say buh-bye to 2020?

Discover why goal setting fails, and why being clear in your intentions will carry you much farther.

Create a beautiful and useful book for your own 2021 guideposts using simple art materials.

Co-Creators New Year Check-In Book (Side a)

Co-Creators New Year Check-In Book (Side a)

Co-Creators Compassion Cards

Women have a tough time being kind to themselves. Create these beautiful cards for your own inspiration during 2021 using simple art materials.

At Musea, we believe, Intentional Creativity is one of the most potent healing modalities available because it activates your own healing capacities.
— Shiloh Sophia McCloud

I’m still in the process of a 13-step Intentional Creativity painting process called Legend. It’s nearly finished, unless Shiloh throws another curveball, except for final touches and journaling. You can get some of the backstory in the blog post Hide and Seek. If I make my deadline, the painting will be included in a virtual exhibit at the Art Museum Musea. That will be a first for me!


Legend detail (WIP)

WIPs (Works in Progress) and other notes

  • Coming up this month I’m pleased to be a guest on Dana Lloyd’s podcast Soul Sister Conversations. Dana is a leadership coach in New Brunswick who I met in our soul-based entrepreneur group Soul Tribe. We talk about creativity and its healing properties and how it opened my heart and changed my life.

  • I’m honoured to be zoom host Friday night for a beautiful seasonal workshop from Intentional Creativity sister Ally Markotich from Soul Kindling. She’s taking us through a 3 hour painting session on the Magi to see what this story reveals for our lives. “Starstruck” looks like a magi-cal process. I can’t wait.

  • I’m researching for a creative exploration of privilege. I see a need for white women to talk (and paint) amongst ourselves as we come to grips with -isms. I’d be interested in your thoughts and any words of wisdom you have to share.

  • Some of my Intentional Creativity sisters will be exhibiting final pieces from the year-long process Artifact. Exhibit opens December 16th.

  • She Who Dances in the Rain is looking for a new home with big walls! Contact me for pricing.

  • Check out Dynamic Doodles and poetry among my new blog posts.

Question to journal/explore for today.

What is the greatest insight you gained in 2020?


Dynamic Doodles - GPS Check


Little Red Riding Hood (and other ominous tales)