Creative Accounting

Money vs Wealth

(Or Why am I richer now that I’m not working fulltime?)

I’m the daughter of a Chartered Accountant, known these days in Canada as a CPA. My husband also had a number crunching father and a banker mother. And yet, our finances suck.

I got into our work pension fund late.

We spent more than we saved when we started out and we’re still paying for it.

I left my job more than four years ago without a plan.

Our adult sons and my father live with us so downsizing is not an option.

But we have tremendous wealth.

Our adult sons and my father live with us and that has been a blessing during Covid.

I’m no longer waking up before the birds or in snow storms to go to work.

We still have income and are slowly paying our debts.

I was allowed to dip into part of my work pension early.

See what I did there?

I turned it upside down. Looked at my financial circumstances with a new lens. Changed my perspective. Did a little creative accounting.

Have you done any creative accounting lately?

The kind I’m talking about doesn’t involve numbers. It involves looking at what matters to you, finding out what resources you have to act on those matters, and why it hasn’t happened yet. You could say we’re pencil pushing to find your money blocks. Only in this case, there are no erasers and the pencils are coloured, or even markers.


Come hang with us for an hour next Tuesday and we’ll do some coloured pencil pushing.

PS: That wonderful artwork above was made by a 56 year old - not a 3 year old. So if you got through grade primary you have all the drawing skills you need for this adventure.

PSS: This is a taste of part 2 of the upcoming Medicine Basket Your Way journey - Unsticking Stuck Money Stuff. You can try it on and see if it fits!


Connecting the dots


Peaces of PIE