Let’s Use Our Imagination

What do you see?

Is there a message here for you?  

Examine your body. Is it telling you anything about this painting? Did your breath quicken? Eyes narrow? 

Any sensations?

What do you suppose the artist was imagining? Feeling?

Before you scroll down, I challenge you to sit with this image for a minute or two.  Ask it what it wants you to know.

Here’s the artist. 

Looks like he was having fun. He concentrated really hard on this work.  He might even have been pleased with himself when he was finished. I can’t for the life of me tell you what he was actually thinking.  He can’t tell you either. But his art has evoked a response in you.  You wondered and engaged.

Is it a masterpiece? Probably not. 
Is it a piece of the Master? 

We are born creative beings.

Think back to the freedom of childhood, and the child struggling to be heard in all of us.
Children’s play is serious work.  With no interference there are no guidelines for what is created, no colouring pages, no judgement. Just a nurturing of imagination and a freedom to explore – without prejudice. 

Until there is. 

Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”
— Pablo Picasso

Have you explored lately with your inner child?


The Creative Being Creed