Co-Creators’ Connection

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I want to go back to the Vivid Intentional Creativity retreat.

Our gathering was virtual so I didn’t even leave the comfort of my home. It’s the first year the IC folk haven’t gathered in person, because of Covid-19.

I, for one, am thankful. California is a long way from here in distance and dollars.

I managed to put my life on hold for a week to join about 200 women from all over the world painting, doodling, Cosmic Smashbooking, drumming, reading and writing poetry, along with rewriting stories, empowerment, graduation, and how to save the world. Zoom was certainly our friend.

I’m exhilarated and exhausted.

Shaping one’s own story is the making of a revolution. A story becoming a legend means we open the door to the land of the imaginal narrative.
— Caron McCloud

I’m in the process of rewriting my story with the help of a paintbrush. As part of the Vivid event, we explored our inner wisdom with a 13-step Intentional Creativity painting process called Legend. It’s got a ways to go yet, but you can get a sense of the beginning in the blog post Hide and Seek.

Have you considered changing your story? What hasn’t been serving you?


There are still spaces in my Insight class. It runs next weekend in a series of zoom calls starting Friday night. I gave you lots of time to work on it in between (and Saturday night and Sunday morning off because I love you). Monday is my deadline to register.

WIPs (Works in Progress) and other notes

  • I was sooo thrilled Marnie and Melissa invited me to join them this week on their Motivational Morning podcast. We talked about creativity as children, and how to speak to them about their works of art so self-expression becomes a life long source of joy.

  • Look for a fun afternoon or evening coming up to say buh bye to 2020 and set your intentions for 2021.

  • I’m researching for a creative exploration of privilege. I see a need for white women to talk (and paint) amongst ourselves as we come to grips with -isms. I’d be interested in your thoughts and any words of wisdom you have to share.

  • She Who Dances in the Rain is looking for a new home with big walls! Contact me for pricing.

  • Check out Dynamic Doodles and poetry among my new blog posts.

Question to journal/explore for today.

What would you like to know about yourself?


Little Red Riding Hood (and other ominous tales)


The Ancients Told Us