The Ancients Told Us

Seven Generations Out

A challenge from our recent Intentional Creativity® virtual gathering, Vivid, lead by Shiloh Sophia.

The painting process from this conference is a 13-step deep dive called Legend.

Our inquiry for Day 6: “What story will I tell?”

The archetypal theme for the day: Poet.


Unnamed Legend detail (WIP)

The Ancients Told Us

The Ancients tell us

there was once a time

when Mother Earth could not breathe

when Sun was obscured

and Moon misunderstood

The Ancients tell us

we did this

by not listening to our hearts

by not knowing our connection

to all things

The Ancients tell us a sickness

covered the land

the people were afraid

the people stayed home

but still millions died

The Ancients tell us

the world changed then

Gaping holes were torn open

Gaping mouths were covered

Time alone gave the people time to think

The Ancients tell us

it was the dawn of a new way of being

connections made with the earth

connections made with the “other”

an honouring of heart wisdom and the growth of love

The Ancients tell us

this change wasn’t easy

some peoples clung to old ways

some peoples took advantage of chaos

but slowly, surely a new consciousness awakened

The Ancients tell us this story today

as a caution

to treat creation with respect

to treat each other with love and kindness

that when all are cared for, life is worth living

The Ancients tell us we nearly lost it all.

Natalie Moyes


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