Dynamic Doodles - Spiral

Gift Spiral part erased.jpg

  This is
  a great way to have an argument with yourself.


  • Draw a big spiral on your page with a permanent pen while you consider an issue that’s arising.

  • Switch to a water-based marker or something that smudges easily. Starting in the middle, write everything your critical voice is saying to you on the inside edge of the line. Follow it all the way around.

  • Now imagine you are coaching a friend on how to solve this problem. Write all your good advice on the outside edge of the line. All the way around.

  • Read that again.

  • Now activate the energy of that advice by transforming the words by adding water to smudge. Or you can leave them as a reminder.

How can I better hear and heed my inner wisdom?


Co-Creators’ Connection April


Drawing a Picture of the Costs of Racism