Co-Creators’ Connection April

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Have I told you lately that I love you?

Compassion Card

Compassion Card

Hi Love!

I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your interest in what one of my teachers calls my “beautiful business”. There’s a certain validation when I find someone has opened one of my emails. Especially when I know how much mail clutters up our in-boxes!

Part of my job is to share my gifts, regardless of how they strike a chord. That’s a hard lesson for this people pleaser. I might not resonate with everyone - the horror! I want to work with people, especially women, to guide them in finding their inner wisdom, but they don’t know who I am and what wonders can happen if I don’t make an effort to find them. That process includes emails, social media, and blog notifications. You will be seeing more in the months to come.

How can I serve you? If they’re going out anyway, I would like to tackle a topic near and dear to your heart, or formulate a Dynamic Doodle to help you sort something out. (I’m due to create a new batch.) Further down you’ll see I’m including the books in various dog-eared states that have been occupying my reading time lately. If you have one on the go we could set up a video call to compare notes. My monthly newsletters will include the usual links to works-in-progress, Intentional Creativity offerings, and other tidbits. What else might be helpful to you? Would you be interested in a weekly or monthly online creative session?

My goal is to build a creative community, one that is sacred and supportive, full of compassionate women who are trying to live authentically. I think we need that today more than ever. You may have seen from recent emails that I am working on my own privilege. My learnings have been humbling, sorrowing, and hopeful. I look forward to sharing this journey.


Some of the books gracing my reading pile(s) this spring. Guess digital is still not my thing.

The best thing you can offer the world is the person you ARE, not the person you think you should be.
— Erica Layne

WIPs (Works in Progress), workshops and other notes

  • Apothecary : Medicine Painting Online Course ( Begins April 15th. I have done this course. It is truly healing. I urge you to take a look.

  • Apothecary - the Healing Arts Show - I have two paintings in this show at Round Hill Studio Gallery in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. Opening later in April. Check out a preview of some of the exciting work (including mine!).

  • (WIP) Psalms of Creation - Sunday evenings my dear Georgia friend and fellow IC artist Dr. Sue Boardman and I paint online together. We’re currently in Moon 7 of 13. See WIP on my blog

  • Soul Expression Breakthrough - I get the chance to be a Sue Boardman student over the next few weeks. You can meet her, her Newfs, and her granddaughters (who she’s saving the world for) at

  • Walking the Ways of Allyship - I’m taking in this Intentional Creativity workshop by Crystal Easton, proud Métis and MSW-Indigenous Trauma & Resiliency candidate at the University of Toronto. (April 17th).

  • Decolonizing Theology - Atlantic School of Theology lecture series. The Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D., Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, TX. (April 22nd) Tickets

  • Musea Exhibits - Hats in a Pandemic (April 21st), Women Woven Together and Spirit Warrior (ongoing). Register for Hats opening or see exhibits at

  • Blogs - Check out recent blog posts, including the latest Dynamic Doodle, racism and health, poetry from Psalms of Creation, and Intentional Creativity business practices.

  • Godly Play - I’m so privileged to be able to share Intentional Creativity with leaders of Godly Play Canada at the upcoming Maritime Co-Ordinating Circle

Question to journal/explore for today.

Do I know who I am, versus who I think I should be?


Creativity in Grief


Dynamic Doodles - Spiral