Expanding the Darkness

It’s dark.

Yes, it gets like that this time of year in the northern hemisphere as the earth continues its axis antics. And yet every year I have a moment where I look out the window and back at the clock in disbelief. I see you nodding your head.

I fight the dark. I think it is human nature our ancestors learned for survival.

But I don’t consider dark evil. At least not consciously.

Therein lies the problem. How much of our socialization has attributed negative values to black or dark? Black hat. Black Mail. Dark Lord. Black Cat. Or conversely, positive values to white or light. White as snow. Little white lie. Light of the World. White knight. They are opposites. Either/or. Binary. Black and white.

And what happens if those associations are made with skin tones?

As an artist I recognize the importance of balancing dark and light. Using them side by side makes images pop. Incorporating shades in between adds depth. Photos and sketches without colour grab our attention.

They work best in tandem, playing off each other, complementary. Both/and.

We can too, as global community. Especially if we examine our notions of good and evil, black and white.

Here’s my creative challenge to you. Get out your sketch pencils and play. Notice the darks and lights. Use the whole box - 2B - 2H. While you are creating, consider reversing your conditioned thinking on black and white. I’ll get you started.

  • You can’t see the beautiful constellations and galaxies unless the sky is dark.

  • The darker the compost, the richer the nutrients.

  • Cocooning or hibernating in dark safe places.

  • Too much light in a photo over exposes it.

  • Whitewashing an issue.

  • White-knuckle.

I’d love to hear yours.

As we light candles in anticipation of our sacred Holy days, may we remember that they glow brightest in the darkest times.

Blessings and love.


December 2021


November 2021