Expanding the Darkness
I fight the dark. I think it is human nature our ancestors learned for survival.
But I don’t consider dark evil. At least not consciously.
On our national holiday July 1st, instead of fireworks and celebration, we're opting to paint and reflect. You are welcome to join us
The Opposite of Love is Apathy
I believe people who have identified as white women need to have conversations about what that means in terms of power, expectations, resources, and legacies.
Smashing Puppies
No animals were harmed in the making of these pages.
Drawing a Picture of the Costs of Racism
If you are in, or have connections to, health care, how can I work with you to make these changes?
Co-Creators of a New World
So begins my value statement ….. But this post is about other business insights gained when I put brush to canvas and marker to paper. We’re not talking pipelines, lead magnets and clicks. We’re talking about people and how their needs intersect with my gifts.
Values and Things That Matter
I celebrate the wisdom inherent in each of us, regardless of whether we are 3 or 103, speak the same language, share different life experiences, or feel the pressures of social constructs designed to favour one over another.