Co-Creators of a New World

A Business Plan on Canvas

“I believe we are co-creators with the Creator, equipped with infinite imagination, charged with creating relationships of harmony and healing within the mysteries of the Universe, and living with awe in creation. Come join me for the ride. I believe community emerges from respect, deep listening, openness, compassion, generosity, and a spirit of joy and fun.

In this light I declare publicly a commitment to love and serve others, seek justice, and celebrate the richness of all our gifts, even as it challenges me.  I celebrate the wisdom inherent in each of us, regardless of whether we are 3 or 103, speak the same language, share different life experiences, or feel the pressures of social constructs designed to favour one over another.”

So begins my value statement which comes out of a six month Intentional Creativity process examining entrepreneurship. You can read the whole document here. But this post is about other business insights gained when I put brush to canvas and marker to paper. We’re not talking pipelines, lead magnets and clicks. We’re talking about people and how their needs intersect with my gifts.

Co-Creators of a New World      Natalie Moyes  2021

Co-Creators of a New World Natalie Moyes 2021

Some of our guiding questions:

What is making me come alive?

Can I identify my body of work?

Do I have the audacity to dream?

What happens when I dream with no restrictions?

When am I in flow?

Who are my beloveds?

What does it feel like to offer my gifts?

What does it feel like to be visible?

What wants to be witnessed?

Can I make room for reciprocity?

What do I stand for?

Originality at all costs. Become who you are.
— Caron McCloud

The images above are all layers of my painting Co-Creators of a New World. Each one is crucial to birthing what one of our teachers, Amy Ahlers, calls “my beautiful business”. You can see where I was exploring letting my light shine, who was calling me, my story in symbols, taking up my space, gratitude, and big fat money lies. Among the things you won’t see as easily are the rituals, prayer dots, meditations and visioning, and lots and lots of red thread. But the most important of the teaching tools were the conversations with amazing, passionate, creative women from all over the world. It’s a collective wisdom. We cheer each other on and celebrate together. If you’d like to learn more, shoot me an email, or you can watch my teacher, Musea Curator Shiloh Sophia, who spoke recently on behalf of Musea at the UN Commission on the Status of Women on the topic of Revisioning the Future of Feminine Business Models.

In the finished painting you see my beloveds witnessing the birth of a new world, a world that has been turned on its head. It rises out of a lotus blossom of the old earth that has been preparing in the muck. It sure feels like we’ve been in the muck with a pandemic, poverty, oppression, racism, and violence. My beloveds and I are being fueled by the grounded energy of Mother Earth who has everything we need, and by the power and energy of the unknown Divine cosmos.

My sacred work - to guide women using creativity to reveal their inner wisdom, as they discover why they think the way they do and re-write their stories.

Are you in?

I look forward to witnessing and connecting with you.



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April 2021


Values and Things That Matter