Slowing the Spin

This artist is talking sports today. Go figure (skating)!

March is my favourite time of the year for sports. Just as winter is beginning to let go of its icy hold, the World Figure Skating Championships bring together storytelling, music, sharp blades, and physics for moments of heart-stopping beauty and skill. I grew up watching Underhill and Martini and Toller Cranston. I was in the Halifax Metro Centre the night Kurt Browning won his second World title, and some guy named Elvis was doing quads in warmup. Stars on Ice uses Halifax for rehearsals each year before heading out on tour. And when I have the remote at home, the living room is a no-fly zone. Yes, I am one of those people…

Some of you may not know I figure skated as a child. First thing I learned was how to fall without doing too much damage. That lesson has served me well through life. I’m a much better spectator!

So how does this tie in with Intentional Creativity? Besides the actual…er…creative part? It became part of a conversation tonight in Medicine Basket Your Way: Unsticking Covidian Era and other Contextual Stuff.

For many people the news this week has put them into a tailspin, or sped up the one they were already in. Military invasion of Ukraine. Lifting of Covid restrictions. Flooding in Australia. UN reporting climate change at tipping point. Here in Nova Scotia, horrific truths coming out in the inquiry into Canada’s worst mass shooting. All on top of everything last week, and the week before, and the month before, and last year…

So how do you get out of that spin? Since figure skaters are experts, watch this and see if it gives you some clues.

Thanks Stephane!

Arms in tight = faster

Arms wide and open = slower

So if you are in protection mode, with your arms wrapped tight around yourself, your thoughts swirling unimpeded around in your head, you are giving energy to your spin.

If you throw your arms wide, as a gesture for help, or to leave yourself open to receive, your spin slows down. It’s scary and feels vulnerable, but it works.

And I can think of no better way to give a hug.

I also know that it only takes one small intentional movement to change the nature of the spin. Just one.

World champions count on it. You can too.

By the way, you’ll find me on the couch in my no-fly zone March 21-27th.

Click on the image to download your free March calendar!


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