Co-Creators’ Connection March

Co-Creators FB.png

Today is the United Nations Day for

the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Co-Creators of a New World      Natalie Moyes  2021

Co-Creators of a New World Natalie Moyes 2021

Hi Love!

On this International day of reckoning I declare I am waking up. I am facing my privilege and my role in a racist system. I am learning to be anti-racist.

I have a long way to go.

The painting above is the culmination of a business program I’m just finishing, hosted by the wise women at the Intentional Creativity Foundation. My teacher, Musea Curator Shiloh Sophia, spoke Friday on behalf of Musea at the UN Commission on the Status of Women on the topic of Revisioning the Future of Feminine Business Models. No funnels, no lead magnets, no killer campaigns. Instead, we focus on our body of work, our sacred purpose, advocacy and how those intersect with the needs of our beloveds.

Out of that work comes my new Value Statement and a sharp realization that everything I have done in my life has led me to the work I am doing now.

My beloveds want a guide to join them in doing the work of waking up, including anti-racism, anti-oppression, and anti-colonialism. It is my sacred purpose to be there for them while we explore and re-write our stories.

Co-Creators of a New world WIP.jpg

Co-Creators of a New World (Underpainting)

Wake Up - Wonder - Work - Witness - Write a New Story

In Co-Creators of a New World my beloveds and I witness the earth as a lotus blossom rising up from the muck and opening to reveal a new earth, one whose oppressive systems have been turned on their head. The energy from the universe and the energy from the earth has worked in us to make it happen. The painting was a 6 month process, 6 months examining my sacred purpose.

I’m researching for a creative exploration of privilege. I see a need for white women to talk (and paint) amongst ourselves as we come to grips with -isms. This is work that must be done. I have heard wisdom from the BIPOC community and experts in anti-oppression work. I know Intentional Creativity is an amazing tool . The combination of the two will be powerful, yet gentle at the same time. I’d be interested in your personal thoughts and any words of wisdom you have to share. How can I work with you to achieve a more equitable world? Will you join me?

(WIP) She Who Dances in the Rain  2020

(WIP) She Who Dances in the Rain 2020

At Musea, we believe, Intentional Creativity is one of the most potent healing modalities available because it activates your own healing capacities.
— Shiloh Sophia McCloud

WIPs (Works in Progress), workshops and other notes

  • I am honoured to be contributing to sacred IC sister Ally Markotich’s Soul Kindling Facebook page. Check it out

  • Artist Interview with Kiné Aw Curator Shiloh Sophia and Elder Semerit Strachan, with Senegalese painter, Kiné Aw exploring the topic of ‘engaged art’ and sharing some of her original work.

  • Many Muses Festival ( March 26 $55 US for anyone or free with Musea membership (you’ll get your $$ worth with membership). Daylong festival includes live music, dancing, storytelling, and IC practices. We celebrate the opening of Women Woven Together and Spirit Warrior exhibits showcasing work of the Intentional Creativity community and the legacy of Native American Elder, Spirit Warrior Carmen Baraka. Plus we carry on her work with the Right Relations Acknowledgment process for seeking reconciliation with the Indigenous people of the United States (and beyond). Look for me on the information page!

  • Apothecary : Medicine Painting Online Course ( Begins April 15th. I have done this course. It is truly healing.

  • What is Medicine Painting ( Free introductory event April 8.

  • PEI day March 14 Honoured to contribute to this at Bedford United Church. PIE = Public. Intentional. Explicit. Those are the standards we hold ourselves and our welcome to when we seek to live into being Affirming, Welcoming, or Inclusive people and communities. Find the service here.

  • Natural Earth Paint uses natural earth and mineral pigments and organic ingredients to make completely safe, sustainable, and beautiful art supplies for children and fine artists.

Question to journal/explore for today.

Have I begun to examine my privilege?


Values and Things That Matter


Dynamic Doodles - Body Scan